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The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts.
Making a timeline with Visme is totally free. You can download or embed the finished graphic and use it however you want. If you would like to download it as a PDF with bleed marks, or an .html file, then you will need a Visme Standard Plan.
- direct=1 - Skip the \"Do you want to run this macro\" question. - closeBrowser=1 - Closes the Chrome browser when the macro is completed. The default is \"0\", the browser remains open. Screencast of a PowerShell script that uses CloseBrowser=0. - closeRPA=0 - Close UI.Vision RPA when the macro is completed. The default is \"1\", so UI.Vision RPA closes after the macro is done. - folder=foldername - exactly the same as the macro switch, but it runs all macros inside a folder. This means every folder can be used test suite. IMPORTANT: Folder names are CASE-SENSITIVE. - savelog=filename.txt - This saves the log (content of the Log tab) plus a header status header as a text file once the macro has completed. The log is saved whether the run was successful or not. The calling script (e. g. Batch file, Node.JS, Python, or PowerShell) can check for the existence of this file to make sure the macro run completed). The first line of the log file is always the status of the macro run (error or success, and the error message, if any). A second way to save the log file is to use the command localStorageExport log. But unlike the command line option, this method does not add a header with status information to the top of the log. New with V8.1.3: The &savelog= parameter supports full paths now, e.g. savelog=c:/test/log.txt. If a full path is detected the log is saved directly (instead of triggering a download). This is faster and more reliable. We recommend to update your automation scripts to use this new feature. It requires the XModules to be installed. - storage=browser/xfile - This parameter tells UI.Vision RPA if the macro or testsuite folder to run can be found in the HTML5 browser storage or on the hard drive. - macro=folder1/subfolder1/macroname - Run the specified macro. IMPORTANT: Macro and folder names are CASE-SENSITIVE. - nodisplay=1 - Runs all macros in nodisplay mode. A macro-internal !replayspeed setting overwrites this global value. - cmd_var1=hello%21world, cmd_var2, cmd_var3 - Send values to a UI.Vision RPA macro from the command line. Inside the macro you can access the value with the internal variables. ${!cmd_var1}, ${!cmd_var2} and ${!cmd_var3}. - Examples: All the above switches are used in the Command Line Source Code Snippets. 59ce067264